The Standard #14

Always have a plan.

The Gentlemen's Standard

football playA successful gentleman understands that he does not approach life insufficiently prepared for what might arise. He has a carefully devised strategy. He has meticulously formulated a plan for his future. The better the preparation, the better the ability to handle adversity. No crisis or dilemma will seem insurmountable. Think about it: A coach does not haphazardly send his players into a game without a game plan. Even football audibles, though deviating from an original set play, have a purpose. Sure, a play may be broken, but an intelligent player makes the necessary adjustments and adaptations. Life will not perfectly proceed as you might imagine. A gentleman will encounter setbacks. A gentleman might face innumerable obstacles. Nevertheless, a smart gentleman has a mission. He has a vision. He has a plan. He even has a contingency plan even when the original plan doesn’t go according to plan. He has strategically…

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The Golden Age of Country

love modern Country


Performing at the Florida Country Superfest in Jacksonville. Luke Bryan Performing at the Florida Country Superfest in Jacksonville. June 15, 2014

There is no clearer representation of country music’s growth in popularity than in New York. For seventeen long years, there was no country music on the radio and hardly any mention of the genre in the city. However, country has been on the rise around the nation, becoming the most popular genre in the country in 2013. [1] There are a few reasons why country has become your kind of music.

“Country music is too depressing” is a frustrating statement commonly uttered out of the mouths of people who don’t like country, or most likely haven’t heard enough of it. One of the biggest factors in country’s popularity is how easy it is to relate to. Artists sing about what we love doing, not what we wish we could do. For many of us, this means working…

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